
New Year, New Gear

A lot of expectations come along with the New Year, and oftentimes they revolve around the opportunity to simply be better. You may be trying to get in shape, land your dream job, or even go gluten-free; whatever the case, to be your best you need to start with a foundation. Here’s our take on some essential winter items to kick off the New Year:

Photo taken from @thesneerwell

Flask – Yes, that’s right. Invest in a durable flask to get you through the harsh winter. It's sure to keep you warm, no matter the temperature. Whether you’re warming up by the wood stove or roughing it in the backwoods, it's convenient to have in your back pocket. Every sophisticated man can be found with this brilliant invention.

Photo taken from @chezrust

Scarf – Every layer counts - so don’t underestimate the benefits of a proper scarf. Make sure you master the art of pulling off a well suited knot before you implement it in your daily life. When done correctly, you will both notice the difference in protection when facing the elements, as well as the compliments from your comrades. Oh, and women notice too.

Photo taken from @jake.norm

Salve – The winter can wear and dry out your skin fast. That is why it is crucial to step up your cold weather toolkit. May we suggest that the K&B Organic Body Salve has just what it takes. Our non-greasy formula builds a barrier between you and the elements that will serve you well on the mountain or your commute.

Photo taken from @grayers

Wool – The more you can utilize this fabric the better. Wool has been a traditional go to for any cold-bound man. It's one of the few fabrics to stay warm even when wet. Socks, sweater, overcoat; the possibilities are numerous. Match a few of these articles with a quality pair of boots and trousers to conquer the cold and look great doing it.

The key to winter essentials is functionality and durability. Don’t overlook the importance of quality and craftsmanship, and appreciate things that will last a lifetime. Stay equipped this year.